Heading home

We are sitting in the American Airlines lounge in Heathrow (thanks KBR) reflecting on our time in Europe and planning for the upcoming weeks back home. It is immensely sad to be heading home. At points in our trip we could see ourselves riding around on our bike for years. Jons possibly attempting a travel […]


Travelling without Dora is difficult!  We have been trying to figure out the German public transport system nagavating the trains and busses with an array of bags and bike parts. The first campsite we arrived at was the wrong one, we had arranged with some friends from Christchurch to met up but read the wrong […]

A visit to the hospital

Stuttgart is where the Mercedes Benz museum is located. Unfortunately we didn’t get to go, but it was highly recommend by an old german couple who described it as a work of art inside and out. Instead we packed up and made our way to Munich. It was constantly drizzling and the roads were wet […]

Back in Deutschland

Cheep beers, cheep food and cheep camping again! Also the bike lanes in Germany are well signed and extensive. We love Germany.  On our way to the Luxembourg-Germany border a retired man on a flash new road bike decided to bike with us to ‘show us the way’. After 30 minutes of his traveling stories, […]


We arrived in Luxembourg on a Sunday,  the day before a public holiday. The only supermarket open was in a massive mall and it was packed! Mosh pit shopping was the theme of the evening. After getting lost in and the crowds and ending up in a huge toy store we gave up and went […]


Seem to be having a few problems uploading photos on the pad we are using. Think we have sorted it now. Jons made a dream come true. Apparently this guys dream (see the pic) was to ride a tandem. Jons spent a long while talking to him about touring as his caravan holidays were getting […]

Back in the land of giant windmills

We jumped in our massive rental van and drove through the middle of Scotland towards England. The van was so big we kicked Dora out, rolled out our sleeping mats and spent the night in the back. The next day we pulled into Newcastle and after a long chat to the self professed ‘cyclist freindly’ […]

More Scotland

Leaving Aberdeeen; We went to leave Aberdeen and Bigg’s exceptional hospitality only to find that the chain was playing up and Dora needed major surgery. We made our way back to the flat and spent a day fixing the bike and said goodbye to Biggs for a second time the next day. From Aberdeen we […]